NMLS # 2466406

I Am A Realtor

The experts at Scissortail Financial Wil Arm Your Clients With Helpful Mortgage Information and Resources. We Help Make Home Buying Quick and Easy!

At Scissortail, we take a very strategic position with our real estate agent relationships, to come alongside them, and not only knock it out of the park for their buyers and get them closed on time, and give them amazing experience and communication, and treat them with respect, and build a relationship with the buyers. We really go deep with trying to bring added value to the real estate agent themselves, to grow their business, help them work on their business as much as they’re working in their business as an agent.

We have a complete platform of different tools and processes that we give real estate agents to help them increase their buyer leads, help them win listings, become more efficient with their time, reduce the amount of hours in the day that they use babysitting different loan officers to try and get updates, to figure out where their files are even at in the loan process, until over time, it becomes a win-win relationship for the real estate agent as much as it does for the lender. And that’s really our goal.

Scissortail can truly help realtors increase the amount of transactions that they close. It’s one thing for a lender to just do their job, but most real estate agents have a vision for their business, and so if they’re closing three to five transactions a month, and their goal is to be more like seven to ten units a month – we have the team. Our proprietary processes end up saving realtors so much time that they can focus more on converting more buyers, and converting more sellers. By taking all of that off their plate, it allows realtors to focus on what they do best, instead of babysitting all of these transactions. It also frees them to be more intentional with their day, which is going to basically allow them to close more units instead of focusing on busy work.

Educational Mastermind Class for Real Estate Agents:


Scissortail’s educational class is a huge asset to our agents. They may get a lot of foundational training through their brokerages that they work for, but as far as the lead generation and cutting-edge technology, they have to go out and get that on their own, or figure that out on their own. At Scissortail, we’ve created this educational class that agents can participate in to help them get fresh new ideas, and also keep their enthusiasm up and keep them excited about their business. We bring in speakers from across the nations who are really effective and knowledgeable in all areas of real estate. Speaking topics can range from lead generation efforts, lead generation on social media, how to win business on Snapchat, time management, team building, and/or balancing work and personal life.

Ready To Get Your Mortgage Options?

Let us help you find the perfect mortgage. Our licensed loan experts are ready to help you find the best payment and options for you! 

Easy and Pleasant Experience!-

My compliments to you and your team for an easy and pleasant refinance of my home in Tulsa, OK! I’ve worked with many lenders and title companies and this, by far was the best experience ever! It seems these days that incompetence is the norm. I’m telling all my friends about this experience and encouraging them to call you.

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